Still Waters
The Journey.
"Build my Ark" was the message I heard from God over and over again. I couldn't begin to imagine what that looked like but it was confirmed for me through closed doors of opportunity, words of confirmation, and two owls. One day I hope to tell you that story.
My years had been spent obtaining degrees, building a career as a Psychology Professor and volunteering on Boards and committees. I spent hours dreaming of success, but I was not fulfilled. In the summer of 2017, God placed the desire for ministry on my heart. I struggled to leave behind the life I had known and worked to obtain. But when God calls, I must go.
The Mission of Still Waters is to reach those who feel hopeless or left behind; to awaken the knowing of whose they are and to whom they belong. My desire is to be a part of the love story God is writing in the unfound. I can not know what God has planned for this ministry. I am simply saying, "Here I am, Lord." I can't wait to see what's next.